Monday 12 August 2013

Human rights complaint against Daycare

Even though my husband is not wanting me to, im going to push forward with a human rights complaint over the way B is being treated at daycare.
I have had enough and my child deserves better. ANY child that is on the gender spectrum deserves better. Its not right for them to tell me that it will cause mental issues to other children to switch calling B she to he....
If I don't do this forB, then what about the next child? the child who doesn't have as much parent support, or the next child out there where there parents don't know how to navigate the system.
its not fair for a head teacher at this preschool to push there religious values on my child. I chose a secular daycare for a reason.
im just so mad. We have 3 weeks left. 3 more weeks of hell for B.
I just found out that the teachers are making him write out his birth name. Im not happy about that. B came to me this weekend and said that teacher said he will have to use his birth name and he is unhappy about that.
there should be no reason that this teacher is on a power trip that causes my child mental health issues. Hearing that your child is hurting himself because of a teacher SUCKS. It sucks balls!
I just want to make B happy.


  1. What if you changed the birth name into the more gender neutral name your boy prefers? It'd make him feel awesome, I'd think. It matters suprisingly much what your official name is :)

    1. Right now B goes by a boys name he has chosen. It's just a matter of how hurt emotionally by them

  2. Good for you for standing up for B & for future children who may be a part of that program. As a college student in Early Childhood Education I am adding this view to my learning & will advocate for children like B who may be in my care, & wish they have a supportive mother like you because it is so amazing :).. You are completely right they do deserve better. Hope those ECE'S get a wake up call and realize how wrong they are.
