Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Why did I let "her" choose.

The question came up in a moms group on why I let B choose to be a boy. 

I never chose. He never chose. He was just born that way. 

It would be like me choosing for my child to have red hair, or green eyes. I don't get that choice. 

Just like how B did not ask for this. What little child would ask for a life of being questioned by everyone? A life where he has to watch his back to make sure a person he thinks is a friend will out him, or one day attack him. 

Why would B want to live in a world where if he travels to some of the states, restaurants can refuse him service. He could be told to leave stores, and treated like a second class citizen. 

My SON B will never get to travel to see where his grandfather came from. To meet my extended family. He would legally allowed to be beat by police officers, and put in jail for life. 

Yes. B is my son. He never got a choice on how he came out. He just came out. And B is my child, and I love him for his spirit and for what he calls his "boy brain". How he lives is not up to me, he has to be true to his authentic self. 

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