The most important question for every mother is boy or girl. Pink or blue, hockey or dance.
But when it's not easy, when your son loves dresses, your daughter loves hokey.
You fight that thin line of what you think is ok virsus what others think is ok.
When your child comes to you, in the small quite voice.
And they question.
They question themselves.
Questions you don't have answers for.
They tell you that there was a mistake.
That they are not right.
That they are not who they are supposed to be.
You question what you did wrong. If it's your fault.
But they ask.
Ask for boxers instead of princess panties.
Hair chopped short like a boy.
They ask to be called him and not her.
Becomes every time they hear her it's like a dagger through the heart.
Every time they hear her they go to there room and bang there head on the wall to feel physical pain instead of the emotional.
Because if the pain of the body hurt more then the pain inside it could be ok.
They ask for a new name. And for you to fight the school to use it.
They come to you crying when you find out the school forced them to write out the birth name over and over for months.
You wondered why your child was slowly dying inside, but they couldent bear to talk about it.
The pain of your church telling you your family is not welcome.
The friends who don't return your calls.
Your child's friends not being allowed over because of what the parents think.
And through all of this you try to keep your hed held high.
You call your child he, and use his new boy name. You join activities and make new friends, but always fearing he will be found out.
Because your sweet little child has only the flip of a coin if he will live.
50/50 chance to make it to an adult.
Because of beatings, attacks, hate groups, dating partners, suicide.
So you try every day, to do what you can. To make sure that coin lands on the right side.