Thursday, 5 September 2013


Well school started off well. B doesn't want to leave. He is a little nervous at first. But who blames him. The teacher looked like she was going to cry today during parent teacher conference when she saw the last 3 months of papers of them making him write his birth name. Each page he had to write his full birth name 10 times.

B and his sister each got a book. Little sister was upset that she did not get a book. She was also sad that she did not get to do the fancy picture or show the teachers how much she could count or how she knew her colours.

Another awesome thing for B happened today. We joined Scouts! B and H are going to be beavers! They start next week. I was nervous about signing them up. I was worried I would have to check that dreaded female box. The one that did not work with B and his gender identity.

I got the nerve to talk to the main leader. I asked her about this line and pointed to the medical issues line. I lowered my voice and explained my child is transgendered.  A look of shock came over her face and she asked, what one? When I said it was B she said she would have never know. She says by the way the kids are running around and having fun, she said that I have 2 girls and boy. She said it would be no problem. The group is a non religious one. She will only let the other leader know in case of any medical emergency. I felt a lot better knowing that B will be accepted.

We also had our last apt for the assessment. Our Dr said that yes B has Gender Identity Disorder. He is transgendered. He gave a few stats on kids growing out of it, or kids that just end up being gay. But he told me that when kids come out like this early, before puberty they are truly transgendered. Right now he says to just love B the way he is. To use male pronouns, and his boy name. I still cry as his birth name was the one I had picked out since I was a teenager. It hurts to be loosing it. I feel like I need a grave to cry on.

BUT I have my SON. He is my only son. I will love him more then anything in the world. I care about him so much. I will do anything to take away his pain. I will be right behind him to give him support to stand up to all the naysayers. I will love and have fun with him. He is my boy. my son.


  1. Beautifully said. I can definitely understand your feelings of loss about the name. I love the analogy of feeling like needing a grave to cry on; I think most parents do when they are going through this. I am impressed at your ability to focus on the positive, and the love. Keep it up! :)

    1. Thank you. Its still hard today when I have people who haven't seen me in ages asking how all my girls are doing, or other little things.
      I still feel like i need that grave. Some day I wont.
