Friday, 17 January 2014


I have so much guilt right now. Guilt that I'm doing the wrong things for my parent.
My dad had emergency surgery last Friday. He was found unconscious with a brain bleed. 
No care plan, never told me his wishes. 
Luckily he survived surgery. Agreed to power of atourny as long as I don't pull the plug. 
I had to put my mom in a nursing home. I could not do 24h care for her. It was too much. 

Mom is adjusting ok. She got a bath today. A full soaking bath. I was so happy. 

Now to see how well it goes. I miss my mom. 

The worst part is I miss my dad. I miss his annoying calls. The calls about stupid things. I miss him so much 


  1. How's your dad doing now?
    It's hard to go through the thought that your parents are mortal, no matter how old you are. There was no time with my dad to say goodbye. It's been almost a year and I still refer to him the present tense a lot.

    When my mom got sick and spent the month in hospital having repeated strokes, a full country away, I went through some of the same thought process and gathering of legal papers. I'm her power of attorney should she lose the ability to think/decide for herself, that was left in writing years ago, along with a copy of her will. That makes the technicalities easier for me, but not any of the decisions.

    Nothing you decide will be easy and someone, somewhere will always criticize your choices. There are "right" answers, just answers that are "right" for your dad. As long as you are always working in his best interest then you are doing the right thing. For now, spend as much time as you can with him, visiting when you can, talking on the phone, whatever you can get, take it. The good news is that as long as he has basic brain functions, most people recover from strokes and with PT can even get back to better than they were before.

    1. It's a slow process. He is getting better. Hard but it will be a new normal
