We got the diagnoses of ADHD over a year ago. Medication has helped. We want to tred lightly.
Now we are having issues with chewing at school. Wringing paper. Frustration where she will shut down and block people out. Anxiety. And loud noises like in gym bug her so much she will cower in the coroner.
Now to get help we need to see an occupational therapist. We have two options. Wait over a year to see one 4 times through the school. Or pay out of pocket at over 100 a one hour session.
The first takes to long. The second we can't afford.,
So far I have been taking nursing necklasses appart and taking silicone beads and pendants and making chewlery for her.
Days like today after calling diffrent organizations. Finding we make too much to get fund but becouse of all our bills we can't afford it.
I'm just lost.
Here is praying no issues with little sister
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